These photos represent my last few days in Australia. It was part exploring and part relaxing. I really had no plans for the last days and was pleasantly surprised at the pictures and adventures that came up naturally.
Door To Nowhere
I love this door. I found it endlessly hilarious that this door leads to a room that no longer exists.
The weather in Melbourne was fantastic. I had no plans this day, so I headed into town to see what I could discover. The colours and energetic nature of Chinatown was fascinating.
More Churches
I realized as I walked around I never got a good picture of the intricate stonework on display at St Paul's Cathedral.
Flinder's Street Station
I walked by this station a few times and on this particular occasion I truly appreciated it. The yellow mixing with the blue of the sky as a modern city blooms around it was surreal and unique.
Moody Clouds
While blue sky is nice and all, I hate it when the sky is one colour. Later on in the day the clouds came in and began to mix it up and create some nice layers, forcing me to revisit some locations I felt deserved a better picture.
Selfie Time
I forgot to make sure I’m actually in some of the photos I’m taking. This was a cool setup in the National Gallery of Victoria that obliged. I’d go back to this museum in a heartbeat.
The mirrors mixed really well with the concrete in the background. I took a few minutes to make the blend of concrete and mirrors to be seamless.
Melbourne Harbour Views
I went to a football game! Soccer for the Canadians. I watched the sunset at this harbour outside the Ethiad Stadium. These clouds are a perfect example of what I look for in a sky photo.
Many Sports, One Stadium
This stadium was absolutely gargantuan. It can house any number of different sports with a seemingly endless ability to adjust the playing field. I became Melbourne Victory supporter for the night, even though I share a love of the Wellington Phoenix.
Where's The Harbour
Back in Sydney I wanted to try my hand at a skyline photo at night. On my way down to the water I walked by this small park that had the loveliest orange glow across the grass.
First Try, Almost
While I like this photo, it’s a good example of my process. I realized that there was a ton of space in the sky, and while the colour is amazing, I felt I could do better.
Waiting For The Train
I took maybe 50 photos over the course of 2 or 3 hours. When I had the composition and my settings nailed down, it was a matter of waiting for the train and hoping my timing was right.
Manly Island
The ferry to Manly Island was superb in its views, yet I am not a huge fan of beaches. I had one last final day in Australia and I was going to do it my way. Especially because it was another gorgeous day.
To The Hills
I decided to forego the beach and head for the hills. I heard that there were some old military installations up there and the coast looked inviting.
More Beach
I stopped taking pictures of beaches after a while because they all started to look the same. I think it’s one of those “you had to be there” kind of scenarios.
Mistaken For A Snake
I was alone in the woods and looking for a picture when I heard rustling and assumed it was a snake. Luckily it was just a lizard and I would live another day.
My Reward
It was the last day, I was about to head home and I felt like I had made the most of my trip. A beautiful end to fantastic time abroad.
Enhance, Enhance
A little further up the path I caught a better glimpse of the city. I would miss Sydney.
Car Parks And Beaches
I joke about beaches, but seriously I couldn’t get over the colours. Puts the brown and burnt red from back home to shame.