This day was one where I decided to take it fairly easy. I didn’t have much of a plan, and took much of the afternoon to rest, shop, and eat my way around the area I was staying in.
There comes a time in every trip where I realize I’ve been going to hard and need a day to recoup, so I even skipped taking a selfie and just enjoyed the city.
I even made the big step and left my camera at home for the evening, left some memories just for me.
Mysterious Fountain
I took this photo as I was walking to the Kyoto Aquarium and I unfortunately cannot find it’s location on the map. It was a quiet, early morning in Kyoto and the rush hadn’t started yet.
Giant Salamander
This was one of the main attractions I came to see. I’ve hear tell of the Giant Salamanders and they didn’t disappoint. This fellow looked to be a meter or so in length.
Fuzzy Wuzzy
I’ve not seen too many seals when they’re all fuzzy. He was enjoying the little sun that he could on a cloudy morning.
Soft Eyes
This seal let me take his photo for about 20 minutes, not even an exaggeration. He laid on his rock and just slept while I did my best to get the perfect angle.
In A Tube
In the middle of the seal enclosure was this large glass tube where they can come and chill in. They’d just float there and people watch, it was amazing.
Sleepy Penguin
While we have penguins in Calgary, I always take the opportunity to snap a few pictures of them.
Sadly the route to the section I was looking for was closed, so I wouldn’t be able to see the giant Spider Crabs. I did enjoy the large coral reef tank and the stingrays in particular.
Close Up Boop
While backtracking, I caught another glimpse of the seals in the tubes, and this time I took a picture of his cute nose.
Smiling Eel
Eels are weird and cool. That’s about all I have to say on them at the moment.
Unhappy Fish
There’s a fish in this picture, can you find him?
Lion Fish
This fish has super poisonous barbs on the end of its fins. Do not mess with this fish.
Nijō Castle
The aquarium didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would take, so I decided to stop off and see a Japanese castle on my way back to my hotel.
Birds Of A Feather
These peacock carvings were really pretty. I was sad the light of the cloudy day didn’t help bring out their colour and detail, but they were a sight to behold, These were situated in the archway as you enter the castle.
Enter the Garden
The castles in Japan are very different from the ones in Europe. They have high walls, but the interiors are not necessarily made for defense.
Calm Waters
While the clouds were grey, the wind was calm so the ponds was giving off amazing reflections.
This one I took solely because of the reflection. I really learned to appreciate the Japanese gardens I visited, and this one was well cared for.
Lanterns To Light The Way
I spotted another bronze lantern in this garden, just like the countless others I’d seen at other shrines. I still found them incredible, and spent time with many of the ones I seen.
A View From The Top
What I found interesting was that most of the main castle building was an estate, with smaller store houses scattered on the outer edges of the wall. The store houses fed the people, while the estate is where politicians and other significant people met.
Bronze Knobs
This was the doorway leading out of one of the gardens. I loved the colour of the oxidized bronze against the aging greying wood.
The Moat
This was the large moat that separated the large walls protecting the inner estate and sat between the walls in the middle of the compound.
Knowledge is Power
This was when I realized that most of the blossoming trees I’ve been seeing on my travels were likely Plum Blossoms. They were incredible.
A Simple Walk
The walk through the trees wasn’t too long, but there were so many interesting shapes and angles to take pictures of.
Through The Trees
I loved the colour contrast in this photo. Another one that is very unique to winter. The yellow grass mixing with the pink and white blossoms.
Got To Get That Close Up
Of course I got closer!
A Circle!
I took this picture because I found it amazing how the branches seemed to make a circle.
Back to The Garden
I was still making great time at this point, so I decided to go back through the estate and look at the garden. There were a few things I passed by that I wanted to see. For instance, this flower!
To The Island
I also realized I wanted a better picture of this little island. I liked the pathway leading up it and the small stone bridge that led over the water.
A Minor Woopsie
As I was leaving I realized I forgot to take a picture of the main gate and brilliant golds that adorned it. I love the soft light of the clouds, but I struggled to bring out the colour I saw in real life.