The latter part of my day was entirely spent in the Blue Mountains. Our destination was a section of rocks that sat on the ridge of a valley called the Ruined Castle. A natural formation of rocks that look much like a sieged castle.
A View From The Top
I coaxed my guide into coming up to top of the Ruined Castle. The climb wasn't really much of anything, but it was sheer and I was the only one (aside from the guide) to go up to the top.
Green and Blue
It was wonderful and quiet at the top. Instead of eating my lunch, I chose to sit on my perch and drink in the view.
Cliffs Of Insanity
These cliffs mesmerized me. I found them incredibly interesting to look at. Although I must admit I found it difficult to do their beauty justice.
What Would Mom Think?
I came close to the edge to get this picture in an attempt to cut out some of the shrubs getting in my way. One of my fellow hikers kept laughing at me while asking "what would your mom think?"
Down, Down, Down
The cliffs were steep, but the hike itself was moderate. The weather retained the blue sky for the entire day, allowing us time to tarry and relax for a bit.
Local Colour
These little flowers dotted our route all the way throughout the path. I didn't notice the little bug until after I had taken the picture. Unintentional Where's Waldo.
One Last Look
This was the view on the way back to Sydney. Out guide stopped to show us the waterfalls that scatter the valley below.