This was my second day and for the first time in about 30 hours I had a full nights sleep. I would need it because the next 7 photos are from the morning and it was an incredibly full day. The afternoon will come in the next post.

Australian National Maritime Museum
On vacation, I am usually far too early for any scheduled activity. While waiting for the aquarium to open I wandered the outside exhibits of the Maritime Museum. To help pass the time they have a small outdoor café to hang out while sipping delicious coffee.

Sea Life Sydney Aquarium
I have been trying to get solid photos in aquariums for years. I feel like I'm almost there. It helped this little clown fish was extremely welcoming.

Sharks, Lots of Sharks
I was so early that many of the busy areas of the Aquarium were completely dead. I made sure to take the chance to soak in time with these underwater kings.

Shark Selfie
I became a bit of a master at taking selfies with my SLR. This is another that turned out surprisingly well. Shark tank ahoy!

I completely forgot to get the name of these fish. I'm going to pretend they're angel fish. I'm really not sure. Sorry fishies.

Clowning Around
This one is fuzzier than I typically allow. However, I love the colour and the depth of field. So it stays. Enjoy an oddity that passes my "quality test". Imperfection is beautiful.

Town Hall
While trekking over to the train station on my way to afternoon adventures, the weather was absolutely perfect all day. I couldn't help but stop and take a picture.